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Whole School Approach
to Catering for
Learner Diversity
  1. 設有專業隊伍,包括學生輔導主任、社工、教育心理學家及言語治療師,給予學生全面的照顧。
    A professional team including student guidance teacher, social worker, educational psychologist and speech therapist, to give students comprehensive care.

  2. 採用小班教學,合作學習。
    Adopt small class teaching and cooperative learning.

  3. 對成績稍遜或特殊學習需要學生,設加強輔導班、課業輔導班及不同的支援小組。
    Arrange intensive remedial classes, after-class tutorials and different support groups for less able students or those with special needs.

  4. 為資優及具才華學生設人才庫,以推薦他們參加合適的拔尖活動或比賽、校內及校外資優課程。
    Set up a talent pool for gifted and talented students so that they  can be nominated to participate in appropriate enrichment  activities or competitions, gifted programmes within or outside  the school.

  5. 課外活動涵蓋學術、體育、藝術、宗教及社會服務範疇,發展學生多方面興趣及多元智能。
    Extracurricular activities cover academic, sports, arts, religious programmes and social services to develop students' diverse interests and multiple intelligences.
Whole School Approach
to Integrated Education
  1. 設「愛心大使」及「伴讀計劃」,鼓勵朋輩支援。
    Set up "Caring Angel Scheme" and "Paired Reading Scheme" to  encourage peer support.

  2. 積極推行家長教育,幫助孩子健康成長及提升學習成效。
    Actively promote parent education to help children grow up  healthily and enhance their learning effectiveness.
Education Support for
Non-Chinese Speaking
  • 為非華語學生提供的支援包括:中文課堂抽離學習(小二、三、四)、  安排教學助理入班支援及課後中文班;另外,亦安排同儕支援,如伴讀計劃及遊戲天地,及舉辦文化共融活動。
    Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students includes: pull-out learning for the Chinese  subject (P.2, P.3 and P.4) , arranging teaching assistants for in-class  support as well as after-school Chinese classes. In addition, the school  arranges peers to enhance their reading and social development, and  organises cultural integration activities.
Curriculum Tailoring
and Adaptation
  • 設課程、家課及評估調適。
    Can arrange instructional, homework and assessment accommodation  as necessary.