中文及普通話 Chinese and Putonghua |
中國語文科 Chinese Language |
- 採用單元教學,各單元涵蓋知識、態度及能力的培養,每單元除設精讀及導讀課文外,另加入自讀文章 ,以提升學生聽説讀寫及自學能力;
- 於一至四年級推行「以普通話教授中文」計劃,透過拼音課程、有趣的教學活動、語境的營造等,讓學生在普通話的氛圍下愉快地學習中文;
- 於一至六年級推行圖書教學,以拓闊學生的閲讀面及培養他們創造力和批判性思考能力;
- 自編中國文學及文化教材,以提升學生對文學文化的素養;
- 我們亦為學生提供多元化的全方位活動,如中普活動週、校內外比賽,以豐富其學習經歷及培養他們的學習興趣;
- 本科校本課程獲教育同工認同,多次應邀主持本地及內地有關課程規劃的分享會。
- Adopting module teaching, each unit covers the cultivation of knowledge, attitude and ability. In addition to intensive reading and guided reading texts, each unit also adds self-reading articles to improve students' listening, speaking, reading, writing and self-learning abilities;
- Implement "Teaching Chinese with Putonghua" in Primary 1 to 4. Through pinyin courses, interesting teaching activities, and the creation of context, students can learn Chinese happily in the atmosphere of Putonghua;
- Implement the teaching of readers in Primary 1 to 6 to broaden students' reading and develop their creativity and critical thinking skills;
- School-based Chinese textbooks and learning materials to enhance students' learning of Chinese literature and culture;
- We also arrange life-wide learning activities for students (such as the Chinese and Putonghua Activity Week, internal and external competitions) to enrich their learning experience and cultivate their interest in learning;
- Our school-based curriculum has been commended by educators in the field, and teachers have been invited to share experiences in curriculum development in several local and Mainland meetings and conferences.
Teaching of Readers |
校本課程:中國文學及文化教材 School-based learning materials:
Chinese Literature and Culture |
"One Hundred Books Donation" Activity |
「中普活動周」好書推介 Chinese and Putonghua Activity Week:
Book Recommendations |
Chinese and Putonghua Activity: Author Study |
Chinese and Putonghua Activity Week: Putonghua Theatre |
Chinese and Putonghua Activity: Book Fair |
Radio drama recording activity of RTHK's "Community in the Eyes of Primary School Students" |
Students actively performing different roles in the radio drama |
Teachers co-planning lessons with advisors from The Education University of Hong Kong |
Teachers being invited by the Education Bureau to share school-based experiences |
普通話科 Putonghua |
- 為五、六年級編製校本課程,讓學生延續學習和運用普通話,並安排他們參加香港中文大學的「小學生普通話水平測試」,以發揮潛能。
- 通過舉辦午間普通話點唱、故事分享、影片播放等活動,營造校內普通話學習氛圍,豐富學習環境,加強學生的聽説能力。
- 委任「普通話大使」,協助老師推廣普通話,例如協辦朗誦、唱歌、講故事等活動。
- 分級編製普通話自學小冊子。學生可利用課餘時間向普通話大使或老師朗讀小冊子內的兒歌、繞口令、對話、謎語等,表現良好者可獲小禮物。這樣學生能趣味自學,提升興趣和能力。
- 與中文科合作,舉辦中普學習活動周。通過參與多樣化的活動,學生提高學習普通話的興趣,增加運用普通話的機會。
- School-based curriculum has been developed for Primary 5 and 6 to allow students to continue their learning and use of Putonghua. The school also arranges students in Primary 5 and 6 to participate in the "Primary Students' Putonghua Proficiency Test" (XPSC) organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, giving full play to the students' potential.
- Create a language-rich environment for learning Putonghua in the school to strengthen students' listening and speaking skills, such as organizing lunchtime dedication of songs in Putonghua, story sharing and video show.
- Appoint "Putonghua Ambassadors" to assist teachers in promoting Putonghua to all students in the school, such as verse speaking, singing, storytelling and supporting the implementation of Putonghua activities.
- We provide each year level with self-study booklets. Students can read the children's poems, sing songs, perform tongue twisters, dialogues, riddles, etc. in the booklet to the Putonghua Ambassadors or Putonghua teachers at recess and win small prizes. Students can learn Putonghua by themselves in a fun way, thereby enhancing their learning interest and Putonghua ability.
- Collaborating with the Department of Chinese, we organise the Chinese and Putonghua Learning Activities Week every year. The activities are rich and varied in order to improve students' interest in learning Putonghua and enhance their opportunity to use Putonghua.
一、二年級古詩朗讀比賽頒獎 |
三、四年級詩歌演唱比賽頒獎 |
五、六年級成語故事演講比賽頒獎 |
小學生普通話水平測試金章級 |
小學生普通話水平測試銀章級 |
小學生普通話水平測試銅章級 |
校際朗誦節普通話詩詞獨誦亞軍 - 金夢萱
校際朗誦節普通話詩詞獨誦季軍 - 歐陽蓉蓉 |
校際朗誦節普通話詩詞獨誦季軍 - 張家瑜
普通話配音比賽優異獎 - 金夢萱 |
中普活動周成語故事演講比賽優勝者展示學習成果 |
中普活動周普通話Kahoot問答遊戲 |
普通話Kahoot問答遊戲五、六年級組優勝者 |
普通話快樂小天地 |
普通話自學小冊子 |