常識 General Studies | |
學習活動「喜動油尖旺STEM活動體驗日」 Learning activities "Yau Tsim Mong STEM Activity Experience Day" |
抗毒達人比賽 The Anti-Drug Master Competition |
參觀路德會啟聾學校 Visiting Lutheran School for the Deaf |
學生進行手語歌表演 Students sing in sign language |
參觀老人院 Visiting the elderly center |
與長者進行訪問活動 Interviewing the elderly |
二年級科學探究「綠豆和花盆種植」學生作品 P.2 Scientific Investigation "The growth of mung bean" |
三年級科學探究「吸塵器」 P.3 Scientific Investigation "Vacuum Cleaner" |
四年級科探活動:製作濾水器 P.4 Scientific Investigation - Creating a water filter |
五年級科探活動:製作閉合電路 P.5 Scientific Investigation - Designing a creative closed circuit |
五年級科學探究「閉合電路 」 P.5 Scientific Investigation ''Build an electric circuit'' |
學習活動「METOMICS兩岸四地STEM大賽」 Learning activities "METOMICS STEM Competition (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Tai Wan and Macau)" |
參觀香港科學館學習活動 Life-wide learning activities ''Visit Hong Kong Science Museum'' |
多元化的學習活動 Life-wide learning activities ''Visit Hong Kong Museum of History'' |
全方位學習活動「保護水資源」 Life-wide learning activity ''Visit Protect Our Water Resources'' |
於常識科進行電子學習 e-Learning in General Studies |
數常電活動日 學生動手動腦進行探究活動 STEM Day Making of electric boats |
數常電活動日 學生為電動船進行測試 STEM Day Students put electric boats to the test |