戲劇 Drama
  • 引導學生認識戲劇的基本概念和技能。
  • 藉著對不同文化中的童話、神話故事及繪本的接觸,拓展學生的視野。
  • 透過評賞和創作,發展學生戲劇認知和共通能力。
  • 着重培養學生創意及想像力。
  • 挑選對戲劇富有天份的同學參加公開比賽或演出。

  • Guide the students to recognize the basic concepts and skills of drama.
  • Through exposure to story books from different cultures, students' horizons are broadened.
  • Through appreciation and creation, develop students' drama cognition and common ability.
  • Focus on cultivating students' creativity and imagination.
  • Select students who are talented in drama to participate in public competitions or performances.


2B Cagaoan Naomi Beatriz Castillo、3A 黃琸珩及4B 游卓嵐於2022-23年度學校戲劇節獲得傑出演員獎

