內地交流教師 Mainland Exchange Teacher |
![]() 潘英明老師 Mr. Pan Yingming 內地交流教師 Mainland Exchange Teacher (2016-17) |
潘英明老師,小學高級教師。任教於吉林省長春市朝陽實驗小學,是該校的教研主任。並且是吉林省科研骨幹教師,長春市學科骨幹教師,長春市優秀教師。 潘老師從事教育工作二十年,由此至終在教學前線工作,積澱了豐富的教學經驗,曾多次承擔省、市公開課,也多次參加省、市的各種教學競賽,均獲得好評。撰寫的經驗論文,多篇發表在教學刊物上。他主持的科研課題也多次獲得國家、省、市的獎勵。 |
![]() 王靜蓮老師 Ms. Wang Jinglian 內地交流教師 Mainland Exchange Teacher (2015-16) |
王靜蓮,小學高級教師,現於湖北省宜昌巿當陽實驗小學任教。 王老師從事教學工作26年,一直站在教學第一線。教學中她注重學法指導,不斷改進教學方法,用先進的教育思想充實課堂,取得了明顯的效果,所教學科在每年的期末測試中均名列前茅,執教的優質課分別在全國、宜昌、當陽巿獲獎,撰寫的多篇教育教學論文在國家、省、巿獲獎,並在雜誌上發表。王老師更多次榮獲當陽巿優秀教師、師德模範、優秀女工、優秀教研組長、數學骨幹教師、數學學科帶頭人等榮譽稱號。 |
![]() 管芳老師 Ms. Guan Fang 內地交流教師 Mainland Exchange Teacher (2014-15) |
管芳老師,中學高級教師,現於黑龍江省哈爾濱市安靜小學任教。 在二十四年的教育生涯中,管老師始終把教學工作放在第一線,在小學數學學科的教學領域和班級管理方面取得了一定的成績。她「扎實嚴謹,知情交融」的課堂教學和機敏、睿智的個人素養,使得她在歷次的數學教學大賽中,給與會的專家留下了深刻的印象,並獲得大賽的一等獎成績。她曾多次擔任哈爾濱市的「鄉村市級骨幹教師進名校」活動的指導教師工作,並曾連續五次榮獲「哈爾濱市優秀教師」榮譽稱號,同時又榮獲「哈爾濱市優秀班主任標兵」及哈爾濱市道裡區「師德十佳」優秀教師的榮譽稱號。 During her 24 years of teaching career, Ms. Guan has always put teaching work on the front line, and has made certain achievements in the teaching field of elementary school mathematics and class management. Her "solid, rigorous, and informed" classroom teaching and her quick-witted and wise personal qualities made her leave a deep impression on the participating experts in previous mathematics teaching competitions and won the first prize in the competitions. She has worked as an instructor in Harbin 's "Rural and Municipal Key Teachers Entering Famous Schools" for many times, and has won the honorary title of "Harbin Excellent Teacher" five times in a row. The honorary title of "Top Ten Excellent Teachers' Teachers" in Daoli District. Her deeds have been published in "Scientific Discovery News", "New Aspect", "Harbin Education", so that her teaching experience can be widely spread. |
![]() 何儉輝老師 Ms. He Jianhui 內地交流教師 Mainland Exchange Teacher (2012-13) |
何儉輝老師,小學高級教師,湖南省長沙市雨花區楓樹山小學教研主任,長沙市優秀教師,長沙市骨幹教師,長沙市首屆中小學優秀心理教師。 何教師有豐富的教育教學經驗,多次承擔省、市級公開課、示範課,課堂教學、說課曾獲得省級一等獎,習作課被省教科院選作優質示範課送課下鄉示範。有較高的理論水準和扎實的寫作功底,經常進行教育教學經驗交流、培訓講座,撰寫的論文獲得全國、省、市級獎勵,部分論文發表在有關教育刊物上,主持的課題獲得省一等獎,主研的課題獲得全國一等獎。歷年來,輔導青年教師參加課堂教學、說課、論文競賽,多次獲得全國、省、市各級特等獎。 Ms. He has rich experience in education and teaching, and has undertaken many provincial and municipal open classes and demonstration classes. Classroom teaching and lectures have won provincial first prizes. The practice class was selected by the Provincial Academy of Education as a high-quality demonstration class and sent to the countryside demonstration. With a high theoretical level and solid writing skills, he often conducts educational and teaching experience exchanges and training lectures. The papers he writes have won national, provincial, and municipal awards, and some papers have been published in relevant educational journals. Award, the subject of the main research won the national first prize. Over the years, we have tutored young teachers to participate in classroom teaching, lectures, and essay competitions, and have won special prizes at national, provincial, and municipal levels for many times. |
![]() 馬婷老師 Ms. Ma Ting 內地交流教師 Mainland Exchange Teacher (2011-12) |
馬婷,小學高級教師,本科學歷,現任陝西省寶雞實驗小學教師。從事執教生涯的20餘年裡,她愛崗敬業、樂於奉獻,在平凡的崗位上鑄就了較高的教學藝術和高尚的人格魅力,得到了各級領導、學生、家長和同事們的普遍好評,多次受到各級的表彰:曾獲得陝西省教學能手、陝西省現代教育技術成果評選多媒體及網路課件二等獎、陝西省中小學電化教學優質課評選三等獎、寶雞市優秀教師、寶雞市學科帶頭人、寶雞市優秀輔導員、寶雞市教學能手、寶雞市小學數學奧林匹克競賽優秀指導獎、「十大傑出青年」、「十佳」教師、優秀教師、優秀兼職教研員、「我最喜歡的優秀班主任」等榮譽稱號。 Ms. Ma Ting, a senior primary school teacher with a bachelor's degree, is currently a teacher at Baoji Experimental Primary School in Shaanxi Province. In the more than 20 years of her teaching career , she has devoted herself to her work and is willing to contribute. She has forged a high teaching art and a noble personality charm in an ordinary post, and has been widely praised by leaders, students, parents and colleagues at all levels. He has been commended at various levels for many times: he has won the second prize of Shaanxi Provincial Teaching Expert, the second prize of multimedia and network courseware in the selection of modern educational technology achievements in Shaanxi Province, the third prize of the selection of high-quality audio-visual teaching in primary and secondary schools in Shaanxi Province, the outstanding teacher of Baoji City, the Baoji City subject leader, excellent counselor in Baoji City, teaching expert in Baoji City, excellent guidance award in Baoji Primary School Mathematics Olympiad, "Top Ten Outstanding Youth", "Top Ten" teachers, excellent teachers, excellent part-time teaching and research staff, "My Most Outstanding "Favorite Class Teacher" and other honorary titles. |
![]() 李翠華老師 Ms. Li Cuihua 內地交流教師 Mainland Exchange Teacher (2010-11) |
李翠華老師是廣東省小學語文教學專業委員會常務理事,廣東省清遠市督學、清遠市教育教學研究室的小學語文教研員,清遠市小學語文教學專業委員會常務理事長,中學高級教師。華南師範大學《教學經濟與管理》專業研究生。是國家級普通話水評測試員,廣東省第二屆中小學地方教材審查第一批委員,清遠市義務教育階段新課標實驗教材選用委員會委員。 Ms. Li Cuihua is an executive director of the Guangdong Primary School Chinese Teaching Professional Committee , a school supervisor in Qingyuan City , Guangdong Province, a primary school Chinese teaching researcher in the Qingyuan Education and Teaching Research Office, the executive director of the Qingyuan Primary School Chinese Teaching Professional Committee , and a senior middle school teacher . South China Normal University "teaching economics and management" professional postgraduate . He is a national-level Putonghua tester , the first batch of committee members of the second local textbook review for primary and secondary schools in Guangdong Province, and a member of the Qingyuan Municipal Compulsory Education Stage New Curriculum Standard Experimental Textbook Selection Committee. |