家長教師會 Parent-Teacher Association
家長教師會背景 Background of Parent-Teacher Association in Sharon Lutheran School
  • 家長教師會成立於1999年,全校老師及家長均自動成為會員。
    The Parent-Teacher Association was established in 1999, and all teachers and parents in the school will automatically become members.

  • 家長教師會委員定期與學校進行會議,並選出家長校董加入學校法團校董會,參與學校管理工作,與學校發展密切的伙伴關係。
    Members of the Parent-Teacher Association hold regular meetings with the school and elect parent managers to join the school's Incorporated Management Committee to participate in school management and develop a close partnership with the school.

  • 家教會每年舉辦中秋提燈晚會、歷奇活動、新春旅行、賣旗活動等,促進親子關係。
    The PTA organizes various parent-child activities every year such as Mid-Autumn Festival Lantern Party, Adventure activities, Chinese New Year trips, flag selling activities, etc. to promote parent-child relationship.

  • 家教會積極推行家長教育,設家長電腦班、家長講座等,支援家長協助子女發展。
    The PTA actively promotes parent education by arranging computer classes for parents, lectures for parents, etc., to support parents and assist their children in their development.

  • 家長義工熱心支援學校發展,如擔任故事媽媽、午膳義工、圖書館義工、協助學校活動帶隊工作及參與嘉年華會攤位設計等。
    Parent volunteers enthusiastically support the development of the school, such as serving as story mothers, lunch volunteers, library volunteers, assisting in school activities and team leadership, and participating in carnival booth design, etc.

  • 家長組成「午膳監察小組」協助學校監管學生午膳之質素。
    Parents also form a "Lunch Monitoring Group" to assist the school in monitoring the quality of students' lunch.

  • 家教會推行之「卓越家長獎勵計劃」,鼓勵家長積極參與親職發展活動及支援學校及社區發展,成效顯著。
    The "Excellent Parent Award Scheme" implemented by the PTA encourages parents to actively participate in parenting development activities and support the development of schools and communities, and has achieved remarkable results.
第十五屆家長教師會家長委員 The Fifteenth Parent-Teacher Association Parent Committee
Member Name
Name of Children at School
劉瑞傑先生 2A 劉道軒
Vice Chairman
石雅文女士 6C 李嘉航
王偉諾先生 1D 王浚浩
2B 王政恆
梁佩思女士 3A 馬翌昕
5B 馬迦勒
胡文翰先生 3B 胡祐嘉
5A 胡祐希
黃欽欽女士 3E 胡頌熒
5C 胡熙浚
潘淑欣女士 2A 歐紫嶠
陳小英女士 5E 鄧曜璘

Photo of the 15th Parent-Teacher Association Parent Committee Members
家長義工守則 Parent Volunteer Rules
  1. 請各位家長義工在當值時間前五至十分鐘到達學校二樓傳達處簽到及領取家長義工牌;當值期間,務請把名牌掛於胸前,以資識認;當值完畢,請各位家長義工將家長義工牌交回校門傳達處及簽字離開。
    Parent volunteers are requested to arrive at the school office on the second floor of the school 5-10 minutes before the on-duty time to sign in and get the parent volunteer card. During the duty period, please hang the lanyard for identification; After the duty, please return the parent volunteer card to the school office and sign to leave.

  2. 請各位家長義工小心看管私人財物,貴重物品盡量隨身;如有財物損失,概由物主自己負責。
    Please take care of your personal belongings and keep valuables with you as much as possible. Any loss of property will be the responsibility of the owner.

  3. 請各位家長義工盡量依照編配時間當值,如因事或因病需缺席,或需要更改當值時間,請盡早通知該項目的當天聯絡人。
    Parent volunteers need to perform the duty according to the assigned time. If you need to be absent / need to change the duty time due to any reasons, please notify the contact the school as soon as possible.

  4. 請各位家長義工避免:
    When performing the duties, parent volunteers should avoid:

    4.1 在當值時間內使用手提電話、高聲交談或飲食
      Using mobile phones, talking loudly, eating or drinking during on duty time.

    4.2 到非當值課室、樓層四處走動,以免影響學生及老師上課
      Walking around the campus, so as not to affect students and teachers in class.

    4.3 在未經校方同意下向學生派發物品或索取個人資料
      Distributing items to students or asking for personal information.

    4.4 私下往課室或活動室接走學生
      Picking up students from classrooms or activity rooms privately.

    4.5 私下代自己孩子到圖書館借書或還書
      Borrowing or returning books from the library on behalf of your child.