辦學理念 Vision and Mission | ||||||||||||||
學校使命 School Vision | ||||||||||||||
本著基督愛人的精神,引導學生以立己立人、日新又新的態度,努力求進,服務社群為己任。 Based on the love of Christ, we nurture students with a mind for striving excellence and a heart for serving others. |
學校歷史 School History | ||||||||||||||
本校創立於1971年2月,至今已有超過45年的歷史,是一所全日制資助小學,致力為兒童提供優質的基督化教育。 | ||||||||||||||
The school was founded in February 1971 with a history of over 45 years. It is an aided whole-day primary school and provides quality Christian education for children. | ||||||||||||||
辦學宗旨 School Objectives | ||||||||||||||
本校奉行香港路德會辦學的宗旨 ,以基督化教育精神,用愛心與同工溝通、以愛心教育學生,同心建立充滿基督的愛的校園,並按照聖經真理立場提供全人教育,培養學生在靈、德、智、體、群、美六育的均衡發展,以期他們成為榮神愛人的社會棟樑。 The school is committed to The Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod's mission. With Christian education approach, we communicate with colleagues and educate students with love. Together we develop a school campus filled with the love of Christ. We also provide whole-person education that follows the biblical teaching and cultivate students with balanced development in the spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical, social, and aesthetical aspects. We lead the students to become better beings who glorify God and edify others in the future. |