健康校園 Healthy School | ||||||||||||
本校獲衛生署評選為「全校園健康計劃」的卓越學校 |
計劃背景 Introduction/ Program Information | ||||||||||||
健康與教育息息相關,學校對學生的成長發揮著關鍵作用,世界衛生組織(世衛)倡議的「健康促進學校」是一個有效、全面及全校性的模式,並已在多個國家及地區包括香港推行。研究顯示推動「健康促進學校」對學生的生理、心理及社交健康大有裨益。全校參與模式不但能促進學生的健康發展,亦可改善教職員的健康;教師們以身作則,實踐健康的生活習慣,也能成為學生的榜樣。衛生署學生健康服務的「健康促進學校計劃」,旨在探討在本港推展「健康促進學校」模式的可行性。 Health and education are closely related, and schools play a key role in the growth of students. The “Health Promoting School”framework promulgated by the World Health Organization is an effective and comprehensive whole school approach model being adopted in many countries and places around the world, including Hong Kong. It is found to be effective to improve the physical, mental and social health of the students in school settings. The whole-school approach can promote the health of students, and also improve the health of staff. Teachers can set an example for students by practicing healthy lifestyle. The "Health Promoting School Programme" under the Student Health Service of the Department of Health aims to explore the feasibility of promoting the "Health Promoting School" model in Hong Kong. |
「全校園健康計劃」詳情 Details of Whole School Health Programme |
不同持分者就健康促進策略的分享 Sharing of health promotion strategies by different stakeholders |
計劃詳情 Details of the Programme | ||||||||||||
家長資源 Parents Resources | ||||||||||||