Help parents establish close communication with schools through functions such as instant messaging, school announcements, notifications and payment records.
The school has opened payment accounts for students on the eClass platform. Signing payment notice will automatically deduct the corresponding amount. Therefore, parents need to add value to the account beforehand. Parents can choose to use any of the following methods to add value to their kid's account. The following table lists the comparison between the two methods:
Telephone, dial 18033
2. Online, log in to PPS website account
1. OK 便利店
2. 華潤萬家超市
3. VanGO 便利店
Go to the following stores in person:
1. OK convenience store
2. China Resources Vanguard supermarket
3. VanGO convenience store
(Note: 7-11 convenience storedo not accept adding value)
Bill Payment
1. 路德會沙崙學校編號:6579
2. Sharon Lutheran School Number: 6579
2. 學生證正面左下方:學生編號
2. Lower left front of student ID card: Student Number
學生證背面之 便利店繳費條碼
The back of student ID card Convenience Store Payment Barcode
Add Value
每次 $2.2
(如需增值$100,請增值 $102.2)
$2.2 each time
(if you want to add $100, please add $102.2)
每次 $3.4
(如需增值$100,請增值 $103.4)
$3.4 each time
(if you want to add $100, please add $103.4)
If you add value before the cut-off time, you can check the add value amount online after 1:00 p.m. on the next working day;
If you add value after the cut-off time, you can check the add value amount online after 1:00 p.m. on the second working day.